Borage Medicine : Lightness for heavy hearts

Starflower Medicine next to my Bed

Starflower Medicine next to my Bed

Who else has tough nights these days?

My days feel much easier than the nights.. so much is processed/ Im dreaming the hell out of my subconscious/ my body sweats and releases and moves through very deep stuff and I need around 1 hour in the mornings to arrive back in the actual now and my real body here.. I’m happy for every morning and always a bit scared of the nights.

So yesterday I went out to pick my overnight Infusion birch and nettle leaves and found this beautiful
B O R A G E .

It’s another miraculous healing plant but not good to dry. So I picked some and thought I would use for a tea or so but then I remembered that it has also been used for good nights dreams if you just place a fresh bunch next to your bed... It’s so amazing how all the plants come to us that deeply resonate/ and that deeply support us with what we need.

The more I dive into this Medicinal local plant heaven here :::: which is kind of THE thing I am doing ::: the more is getting revealed to me. The plants start communicating stronger with me and I’m guided miraculously and receiving deeper and deeper knowledge.
Im so grateful and I can’t imagine anything more joyful and beautiful right now.

It is as if the deeper network of Earthwisdom gets revealed to me slowly and carefully and ALL is in front of my nose. Also the potency of the plants growing just outside is immense.
It is always best to use and connect with the plants and their medicine >>where you live. They are closest to your body plant and speak directly to the heart and system.
Connecting to the roots //where you are planted.

So this S T A R F L O W E R Medicine✫

(energetically) comforts the heart, bringing cheer, restoring adrenal functioning, promoting lactation in nursing mothers and healing fevers of pulmonary origin. As well, it reduces cholesterol and soothes the gastric mucosa and respiratory tract.

It also brings playfulness and spontaneity to persons who have been burdened by family responsibility, becoming hardened and resentful. Borage is a remedy for heaviness of the heart, bringing lightness and flexibility. Their beautiful flower essence promotes optimism. (


Borage, as a flower essence, is for heavy heartedness and lack of confidence when facing challenges. The remedy is said to bring courage to the taker, providing a condition of “buoyancy of the soul”. (Katz and Kaminski )

Borage is said to bring “lightness and ebullience to the soul, filling it with optimism and enthusiasm.”


FlowerMedicine: Beautiful Queens Annes’ Lace


Smoke Medicine: This is my Birch Story