FlowerMedicine: Beautiful Queens Annes’ Lace


aka Wild Carrot aka daucus carota

I am bringing you softness where you feel scattered, sweetness where there is hopelessness and wholeness to where is division.
My medicine moves into every little cell and I am a scepter of cohesion, beauty and healing.

This Beauty found me yesterday while walking at the beach🙏♥️
like always in the moment I really needed her. Medicine always flows to where it’s needed. And she helped me softening and warming my vulnerable heart/
Queens Anne‘s Lace or Wild CarrotMedicine is such a sweet one.

Her Flowerhead has a smell that immediately brings healing to the heart and opens tensions in the body.
She told me that her medicine is about finding our wholeness no matter how divided we feel.

She offers a warm & unifying energy. This can help us find inner strength and an integrated sense of well being when we are scattered or feel divided either from other humans or from within ourselves.

She supports us to gracefully pull the threads of a divided situation back together into wholeness and harmony.

This wonderful one also helps to break up illusions of hopelessness and powerlessness by softening the woundings and threads around them.

… almost like wild honey …

What I wanna add is that QAL is well known and used over centuries from women all over the world for birth control as a natural contraceptive. The seeds work as implantation inhibitors and so can be used as emergency contraceptive. Please inform yourself for further details. There is plenty information around that in the www. I might bring out a post on Natural Herbal Birth Control and Womb Sovereignty.


A short Love Note to Hawthorn in Spring


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