Smoke Medicine: This is my Birch Story

„Home“ was and ever still is a sensitive topic in me. Since I moved to a Danish island last year it has also been with me as a Vision of finding a proper home for myself and to grow deep roots there. As always in (my) Life it is a Patience job with big waves of taking steps and falling apart aka surrendering and letting go. Before I got so sick three weeks ago (feels like years apart and yet only a few days) I started another try of finding this Vision outside which exhausted me completely at some point // like all I had in my Life when my body started telling me to STOP... So in some of the softenings I also have let go again this „idea“ .. and surrendered to the Home I have right now.

A few days ago I came home from work and these immense Transformations happening these days felt like this is not Me anymore , when entering my room. It felt old and heavy. As I live here I decided I need to cleanse and smoke .. but didn’t have something.. Then I saw I had a message from a friend and we chatted on the phone and in a lil sentence she was talking about Birches.. and smudging.. and I knew.

Without asking she told me that they are standing for

New Beginnings and Protection.

I went out and collected some Birch Bark from a sweet tree here at the back.
It’s a looovely sweet smoke she brings into my space and softly it feels a little bit easier energy-wise in my lil sweet room-home .

BIRCH is called the “White Lady of the Woods,” and to me is a tree of great strength and beauty. As one of the first plants to sprout new leaves in the spring, Birch has long been associated with renewal. Bringing freshness as we enter the season of rebirth.

Birch does well in rough, acidic soil and cold climates—places where larger trees cannot grow —

— — — although Birch appears fragile, it is extremely strong. The spirit of Birch offers courage and protection to those who would venture outside of the safe and the normal.

Birch has the fresh innocence of the Maiden, the generosity of the Mother, and the silent courage of the Crone. It has a deep, long relationship with humans as a provider and guide.
Her black eyes remind me to watch, to witness. To be aware. To have a clear view and vision.

“In Nordic countries, Birch is also a symbol of the Earth Mother, embodying the female, cyclical powers of growth and healing. In western Europe, Birch is belonging to the water element and planet Venus. It is said that if you wanna communicate with the goddess then you should sit silently in a grove of birches and listen for her whispers, which travel on the gentle gusts of the rising wind. “

Have you ever been in a Birch grove? Whenever I enter them I get a sense of magic and lightness, of mystery and protection.

I love Birch leaf Infusions in spring. They are very yummy and a wonderful detoxing and cleansing tonic for the entire system.

Thank you magical Magical Tree!


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