Plantwisdom: Goldenrod


„I lie amid the Goldenrod,
I love to see it mean and nod;
I love to feel the grassy sod
Whose kindly breast will hold me last,
Whose patient arms will fold me fast!
Fold me from sunshine and from song,
Fold me from sorrow and from wrong:
Through gleaming gates of Goldenrod
I’ll pass into the rest of God.“

Mary Clemmer - Goldenrod

Here is a little Love Note about this Beauty which found me out of the blue and while walking in sunshine. As always I’m so fascinated of the accuracy of reflection for myself through the Connection with all the dear Plants.

Such a gift.
Where to begin..

These golden blossoms 💛

Solidago aka Goldenrod has a long reputation for generating abundance , luck and love.

Bees adore her smell a lot.
This Beauty is assigned to Venus.
And Solidago is particularly helpful for the Water Element.

So she’s cleansing the kidneys and helps with inflammation and infections.

„In addition to its heat clearing and soothing properties , Goldenrod is also fortifying; it can help to boost Kidney Qi, the physical energy that governs the organ‘s functions, AND enrich the Yin - a moistening, receptive, nourishing quality.“

She can even somewhat nourish the precious essence of Yin, so the foundation from which we grow and thrive - that is stored energetically in the kidneys.

This Kidney Essence is called a „trust fund“.

The name Solidago means „to make whole“ ✨


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