saved my throat the other day.

*Its Name deriving from the Latin word s a l v e r e , meaning “to be in good health” , sage is a wise/ ancient force.

Salvia officinalis - Salvia meaning “ the healing plant” and sage is supposed to be an elderly person who is venerated for his or her experience, judgment and wisdom.

Talking here about Garden Sage, which has also often been used to manifest wishes and attract money.


It is
strong anti microbial , defending inflamed mucous membranes and immunity

also hormone-balancing > for oestrogen flow & stimulating the liver


“ The gifts of sage affect the brain, the nervous and digestive systems, the joints, the mouth and one’s mood and is an especially beneficial herb for women entering the menopausal years.” (Judith Berger)

….just to name a few of all the amazing medicinal abilities of this Beauty.


Sage brings Clarity and sharpens the Intuition.

Breathe in the smoke or steam of garden sage to keep the mind quick, improve memory and transform mental attitude. The rejuvenating oils of sage recharge the body with new vitality.

When burned it helps to clear old and negative energy .

“A sage was one who had lived through many turns of the seasons and had developed the capacities of deep listening, clear reflection and compassion through the experience of living. All these qualities are essential for the transformation of grief and depression. as we inhale the vapors or smoke of sage, we absorb these strengths, restore our weary spirits and ease grief. “(J.Berger)



// We are talking about garden sage here.

Please connect with the plants growing around you. Please only use white sage if this is in your lineage! //

here I did a fresh strong Infusion (4-5hours) for throat gargle and little sips that brought a tonic-like effect and saved my throat

I Looooove the colour!!!!


Oh magic Mugwort


A short Love Note to Hawthorn in Spring