A short Love Note to Hawthorn in Spring

Oh beautiful You. Gifted my Heart with so much Healing and Wisdom.

Since over a week this gentle great plant was calling me .. today I finally found her / she found me. On a steep cliff between Ocean and Forest.
What to say?

There is just great Love surrounding this flowering Plant.
❤ ✿ ❤

Hawthorn is pure H E A R T Medicine.
On all levels.

“The medicine of Hawthorn helps us to heal our own hearts so that we can place love where it belongs—at the center of our lives, our communities, and our world.” - Sophia Rose

In essence it helps to open the heart to giving and receiving love, and it helps in healing heartbreak. It also encourages self-love and self-acceptance. As heart-acting energy remedy, hawthorn helps to develop courage. The very etymology of the word courage: cor is Latin for heart.

And courage is an open-hearted state.

“Hawthorn helps us to become

more resilient and less fragile.


When we feel stuck, Hawthorn keeps

our blood, our emotions, and our lives flowing.


Its medicine allows us to rediscover the

magic and fall in love with life all over again.”

If you find Hawthorn around and it’s calling you: tune into the plant energy- you can feel it!


The flowers, leaves and berries (late autumn and winter) all have have a nourishing, strengthening effect on the functioning of the heart muscle and on blood circulation. Hawthorn is a cardiotonic.

Hawthorn flower essence is helping someone to come into their strength and power (- openness? - courage again?).

“As the guardian of the hinge, hawthorn wisely discerns the right timing for the wounded heart to open.” It can be used to ease the grief of a broken heart and to open the heart to new love.



Besides being a heart-healer, hawthorn is know as being a magical tree bearing protective and visionary powers. In Celtic Tradition it was believed that if one slept under under a hawthorn tree in May, one would behold the entrance into the land of the fairies.

Hawthorn stands for being a Portal.


I’m gonna eat some flowers and leaves in my salad and alchemize a Tincture and a Flower Essence with the rest that I was gifted with. (Flowers and Spring leaves are edible)


I also experienced this powerful and gentle medicine being supportive in context of relational (trauma) work & boundary issues.

“In moments of overwhelm, Hawthorn allows us to stay present and remain relational. This is particularly relevant right now when we need to engage in actions and dialogues that challenge us. In moments when we feel flooded, Hawthorn helps to slow the flow of sensory input, so we can respond with empathy rather than becoming reactionary or shutting down.” - Sophia Rose





FlowerMedicine: Beautiful Queens Annes’ Lace