Oh magic Mugwort

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I found those last green ones today just in front of the House on the way to my car while being really in need of some healing.

Mugwort lives amongst us. Not seen from so many. Visiting our doorsteps.

Plants show always up when their medicine is needed. The question is if we can see and allow them in.

They called me and I harvested this little badge of Mugwort - Artemisia vulgaris - and intentionally made two little smoke sticks for myself…smelling the fresh plant drying in my room now. mmmmmm!

Mugwort is said to assist and guide those who are entering to walk the Plant Path.

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And I remembered how I first arrived on this island here and an early morning.. went out for a walk in the fields and suddenly found myself in the midst of a Mugwort kind of field. Knowing I had to get some and take her home to smoke my room. Little did I know back then about the Path that would slowly unfold for me during the next months and years…

I get goosebumps now when writing this down and remembering.

// pic: wildcrafted flowering tops from my walk back then

Well, its my fav Healing Plant! (Maybe I say this to all plants I work with:)? )

Did you know that this humble, often overlooked plant is in fact one of our oldest cultural companion plants, a teacher that connects us with sacred practices throughout history and even to the almost mythical times of our ancestors. Mugwort is a plant of ancient use and was known as the Mater Herbarum — the mother of all herbs. Held sacred by various cultures and thought to be the oldest of plants, Mugwort was believed to offer deep protection.

Oh magic Mugwort ♡


She is assisting me strongly these days. Having a bunch next to my bed and some dried flowers under my pillow.

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Mugwort is a Gateway herb.
Guiding us through all those portals and Transitions we need to walk through. Endings and beginnings.

// Mugwort on my way through the fields on a summer walk

There is so much one could say about Mugwort.

Mugworts Latin name is connected with the ancient moon goddess Artemis. She is a sovereign protector and nurturer of forest beings, and a sacred huntress of those who bring imbalance to her sacred grounds. Artemis is connected with the moon and shows us the cyclical spiral of life, death and rebirth.

“ Artemis offers women especially a potent image of female solitude which encourages us to wander alone, as a way of centering and grounding ourselves, renewing our strength just as the blood-rich lining of our wombs replenishes itself with each full lunar transit. Mugwort holds these qualities within her stalks, leaves and roots, acting as a powerful ally for women seeking ancient, woman-defined attributes of female power.” (Judith Berger)

I have infused several oils with Mugwort this year in honour of Mugworts affinity to bring healing to a woman’s wombspace. Being in my Moontime right now I can feel how she is assisting me to release.

Mugwort is the Crone. Like the wise old woman, who has passed through many moons.

Artemisia vulgaris is hormonally balancing and remembering the wombs cyclical connection to the moon. Its nervine qualities soothe and protect the sensitivity we women feel when bleeding.

She remembers us on the sacredness of our womb and gifts us with her Crones wisdom through dreams, intuition and visions when menstruating.
A great teacher & woman of Plantwisdom said once that with your hands you should rub Mugwortoil on any woman’s skin whose pelvic area is distressed.

Mugwort is pain- relieving and warming.
”Like the knowing hands of the wise woman, mugwort oil seeps deeply into muscles and joints, permeating the cells with sensation and relief."

In most of our Herbal Oils, I add some Mugwort Oil, as the Crone helps the other Plants to “travel deeply” into the body and into the roots of muscular tissues.


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”Mugwort is a witch's herb, a stirrer of visions and an opener of portals. She heightens our extrasensory perception while simultaneously dropping us deep into our center.”


In a deep phase of Transition I also asked for guidance and as Artemisia is the primary Herb for Dreamwork she showed up. Mugwort assists beautiful in dreamworld, that’s why I feel I need her next to my bed while sleeping.. Or I take some of my Tincture before I go to bed or I smoke my room. She helps us to absorb more intuitive information as we get more sharpness in our interactions with the complex world.

She embodies the archetype of the Dreamkeeper. Helping to remember and find instinctual knowing in our dreams. “On that level, Mugwort can become a catalyst for change to those who work with her.”
"Mugwort opens up chambers of ancient memory within the brain, bringing to one's dream life stirring visions of past and future that overflow with magical imagery. The symbols that dance through your mugwort-touched dreams pull out the cobwebs of our forgetfulness and assist us in remembering old, unwritten ways of healing and living that attend to the needs of spirit and soul."


So as it is November now I am again touched of how the Herbs come in such deep alignment with everything to me and ending this year with maybe this last harvest of a little bunch of Mugwort is remembering and learning and gifting me with the wisdom of the qualities of dark November. Remembering. Visioning, Dreaming.

Maybe this was the last harvest of this year.

