Behind the scenes of deep healing Formulas is a slow process of Alchemy.

Creation takes time.

WHOLESALE & RETAIL : Please write us here. We are happy to share the Magic with you.

We create and harvest with the seasons and the rhythm of Nature - our Products are small batches so they sell out. This is Slow Medicine.

May this deeply support & nourish your heart, body & soul

. only shipping in the EU .

please read the text at the end of this site

Bodywork and Massages

Body Treatment / Healing Massage
from DKK 400.00
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from DKK 400.00
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Earthflower Medicine is unable to offer refunds or exchanges for any reason at this time. Please select only the items you are certain you would like to purchase before going through the check out process.

​Please know that we are not medical professionals and cannot diagnose, treat, write prescriptions, or give medical advice.

Herbs, herbal remedies and products listed on this website have not been evaluated by and are not approved by any Health Institute. The actions listed of each herb or herbal product are descriptions of their traditional uses and are for informational use only.

Our products may have varying effects upon each individual using them, they are not guaranteed to work same for everyone. As we do not use any preservatives or synthetics etc.. , our products are varying naturally in colour and smell.

All Earthflower Medicine is not meant to diagnose, prescribe, treat or cure disease or any other health issue, nor are they meant to replace or deny any advice from any other medical professional or doctor.

Earth Flower Medicine will not be held responsible for any reactions, adverse effects, or misuse of its products or advice, as they are merely suggestions that the client chooses to use or not to use of his or her own free will. 
We suggest to get advice of a registered Professional.

During Pregnancy and Postpartum you should always get professional advice first.
By purchasing our products, the customer has agreed to and understands the above information.